Happy portraits

I have been collecting happy, joyful faces for awhile. While self isolating during the coronavirus, after painting several paintings of Crescent Lake, it was time to have some smiling faces around, so I started these.

Nice to having something contagious like a smile vs a virus.

Hope they bring some joy to your day as well.

Some comments I have received so far-

Kathy Bryce Wow, I can’t believe how someone can actually do this!!!! It amazes me how you can paint these beautiful little faces of pure joy and happiness and I CAN FEEL IT!!!! You are awesome Yvette Cuthbert!!!!!!

Lonni Clarkson I’m loving all these smiling children paintings. 😍😍😍

Darcee LaRiviere Kane-White Oh, the joy!

Sophie Holmes Wow, Yvette!!
All your pieces are amazing, these ones in particular captivated me!

Adrienne Toombs Wow Amazing !!!😍❤️

Sarah Larson Just looking at that brings brings a smile to my face. 🥰

Gabriele Neuschwander .. they are having such a cute giggle fest – you must have fed them cookies …

Have someone special you would like a portrait of?

Do you have a photo? Contact me about price.

Laughing and happiness, happiness starts with a smile, Coca Cola

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